‘Iao Mind & Body Health, LLC

Supervision and Training

Supervision and Training

We offer individual supervision for both post-graduate therapists and post-doctoral psychology trainees seeking licensure.
Dr. Iao views supervision as a critical process for your development. She says, “My role is to teach, guide, support, and provide challenges for growth. We will work together to ensure that you are adhering to the highest ethical and clinical standards, informed by the evidence base. The “challenge” is to assist you to be self-reflective and self-aware of you and how that informs your practice as a therapist.”

Teaching & Mentoring

Dr. Iao is passionate about teaching, mentoring, and guiding new therapists. She says, “a mentor once told me that your practice carries the imprint and influence of all of the brains who have taught and mentored you over time.” Each mentor can bring unique learning, and she finds that their guidance has greatly shaped her practice as a psychologist and her becoming over time. She believes that teaching and guiding keeps her current and mindful of her own practice. In this way, she believes that supervisor and supervisee grow together. She says, “I love witnessing new therapists develop self-confidence and self-compassion while growing into their practice and identify as a therapist.”
We are a good fit if you are particularly interested in learning and growing skills in experiential therapies and bottom-up/somatic approaches. We also love teaching CBT-i.

Rates: $200 per hour

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